Hi, I am getting a `prefect.exceptions.ClientError...
# prefect-community
Hi, I am getting a
prefect.exceptions.ClientError: [{'path': ['create_project'], 'message': 'Uniqueness violation.', 'extensions': {'code': 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR'}}]
when I ran
prefect delete project
prefect create project
(using Prefect v1.0, with Prefect Cloud as backend). Can't seem to recreate a project with the same name
How long has it been since you deleted it? It’s a soft delete that could take a while to cascade.
about 10 mins? It wasn't a huge project, just a couple of flows & runs
I’d need to check if our deletion service is off because it was undergoing a refactor. tomorrow is a US holiday though so I may have to get back to you on tuesday, when the people responsible for that are in. i would say just let me know if it’s still like that after 1-2 hours, and that’s a sign i’d need to check on tuesday.
Ah okay, just checked it and it seems like it's still not working
@marque we have an internal issue for this and I added your request there - keep us posted if the problem still persists tomorrow
There is something being deployed for this tomorrow
FYI, not sure if the fix is deployed already - I still can't create the project
The service was turned on today and is catching up on the backlog
👋 Hello there. Wondering if this issue is still outstanding, as I am also unable to recreate a project with the same name The project was deleted around 6 hours ago. Many thanks in advance!
Guess so that is the second report. Will escalate
Did you have a lot of flows in this project @Chris L.?
Yes had about 34 flows (28 archived) and about 3000ish successful task runs the last 3 weeks? But we had some stale flows (renaming clashes etc etc) and decided to go for a clean registration. But we failed to recreate the project with the same name.
if you send Kevin your team ID and the project name you try to delete, we may ask engineers to do it manually for you creating a project with the same name won't work, but if you would create it with a new name and batch register all 34 flows to this new project, that would be the quickest workaround
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Unfortunately, we are using that project name in quite a few downstream CICD workflows haha. So we do need the same project name. But thanks for escalating, I'll ping Kevin with the info
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@Anna Geller @Kevin Kho Seems to be working now! Thanks for the help
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