Hi, is there a way to RETRY the task in Prefect Or...
# prefect-community
Hi, is there a way to RETRY the task in Prefect Orion like in the Prefect 1? Thanks
Thanks @Anna Geller that is helpful though the use case I was looking for when the task has to retry when the upstream data is not available and I want to retry rather when it is failure
I was able to work with RETRY in Prefect 1 and I would like to keep retry decorator for the actual failure
If that is possible
ahh I get what you mean now, you want to poll for some state and execute actions based on that we are working on first-class event-driven features for similar use cases, for now, check out this post https://medium.com/the-prefect-blog/scheduled-vs-event-driven-data-pipelines-orchestrate-anything-with-prefect-b915e6adc3ba