Hello, Question about prefect 1.0 free tier : - we...
# prefect-community
Hello, Question about prefect 1.0 free tier : • we have a long-running flow (about a week) that simply disappeared from existence, Thanos-style (it doesn’t appear anywhere, it’s not running, it’s not stopped, it’s not in history) • it says that free-tier 7 days of history, does that mean that flows that run for longer are simply “erased” like that?
Hello Tom, you are correct that the free plan in 1.0 currently offers a 7 day retention period for flow run data and logs. The countdown for the retention period begins at the
of the flow run. If a flow run takes longer than 7 days to complete, the logs and data are cleared prior to its completion. Increasing the retention period would resolve this issue on a forward basis.
Is it any different in 2.0?
A 7 day history is applicable to 2.0 as well