Hi, I'm trying to use Prefect to trigger an Airbyt...
# prefect-community
Hi, I'm trying to use Prefect to trigger an Airbyte flow, but it fails at the Airbyte health check. I can see in the logs the following:
httpx.HTTPStatusError: Client error '401 Unauthorized' for url '<http://localhost:8000/api/v1/health/>'
But I can check that url and it works fine and returns:
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
Hi @Steven Wilber!
But I can check that url and it works fine and returns:
when you're able to do this, how are you doing it? I'm wondering if the correct hostname is being passed to
I simply take the URL from the logs and paste it into my browser. You can see it at the start of this thread.
Are you on one of the newest airbyte versions that uses nginx for auth?
I was able to reproduce this by using the most recent version of airbyte, which does use nginx for auth. As soon as possible, I'll have to make a new release for
that includes the user auth in the httpx client when we create it
🙌 2
update here: this PR will add support for OSS nginx auth, it'll be merged sometime this week and there'll be a corresponding release of the PyPI package
That's fantastic. Thank you. Can't wait.
Really - that's such a quick turn around - I'm really impressed and thankful.
🦜 1
Hey @Steven Wilber! We got
released yesterday (docs) which includes the addition of an
block that can handle airbyte's new nginx auth setup let us know if anything's not as expected!
I've just updated and got it all running end to end. Brilliant - thank you so much. Amazing.
🔥 1
And also, it's nice to use a prefect block for this as well.
sure thing - glad its working out for you 🙂