Dear Prefect-community, We use Prefect Orion 2.0 w...
# prefect-community
Dear Prefect-community, We use Prefect Orion 2.0 with Cloud Prefect 2.0 UI and while launching with a IFrame for our Application we get the following error message: "** refused to connect". Looks like in the Cloud Prefect setup we need to add x-frame-options:SAMEORIGIN. Since I don't have control I don't know how to resolve this issue.
I’ll have to find someone on the UI team familiar with CORS
Thank you, Kevin. Let me wait for your response today.
Are you trying to give a custom domain to Prefect Cloud? What is the use case here?
We have our own Workflow Automation Application UI and Prefect is part of that. Whenever end-user runs their flow, we show only their flow status in a IFrame Screen within the application, so that they won't access and view any other person's Flows or tasks.
Even though it is only for internal users, we have different team and they need privacy.
Or if I get a stable local Orion UI similar to Cloud one within my local server, that would solve my problem.
Currently, the local Orion UI is not showing log and Flows, everything else works ok. I also switched from SQLite to Postgres to overcome the WAL issue. Still, I can't get the logs in my Orion UI.
Could you elaborate the Orion 2.0 with Cloud Prefect 2.0 UI? You mean you are using
For the iframe to work, you just have to be authenticated because it’s just a mini browser so there is no additional security. You will have the same permissions as a normal browser. I think with Orion (no Cloud), you used the master branch UI because the IP address was hardcoded right? This should be fixed in the next release. Hopefully you’d just be able to install the new version and have everything working with the logs.
Yes we logged-in to Cloud UI in another window of the same browser, so that for any other launch o f the same window in the same session would work. Even we ask the user to login using Prefect 2.0 Cloud account to launch the UI via IFrame. But there is restriction in the way Prefect 2.0 Cloud Web server is configured. What is the timeline to get the next release?
It should be soon (it’s been a month since last release). But don’t know the exact stuff that needs to happen for the next release. That hardcoded IP is one of the items though.
I was informed that 2.0b4 is released, is it having the Prefect UI code where now we can change the IP address (replacing the hardcoded localhost)?
Yes but the env variable is different:
. And then there was a patch this morning because there were still some references to the old env variable here