Hi! I’m just a beginner with prefect. I was trying...
# prefect-community
Hi! I’m just a beginner with prefect. I was trying to run the agent on the ec2 t2.micro instance, but an out of memory error occurred while running it, so I think it is an insufficient memory problem, so I am trying to upgrade the ec2 instance. Are there any recommended specs for running the agent?
If you are using a Local Agent, the execution of your flows will happen on the same machine also so it’s dependent on the the resources needed by the Flow also
Yes! I’m using Local Agent. And most jobs use BigQuery Tasks to store data in BigQuery tables. Would it be ok to use a small instance?
Hard to say. Do you ever have the data in memory? But yes for simple flows you shouldnt need it to be too big
Don’t have data in memory, so I’m trying to go with a small instance bigger than t2.micro. Thanks for answering!