Hi, when running prefect deployment build with an ...
# prefect-community
Hi, when running prefect deployment build with an infrastructure block I want to override the values of an array in the yaml, does anyone here know how I can do that? 🤔
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My current workaround is to do an --override property=REPLACEME and then editing the deployment.yaml file manually, replacing with a yaml array.
How does your array look like?
Which value of the infrastructure are you trying to override?
I'm trying to override "subnet_ids" in the deployment yaml I tried f"--override subnet_ids={my_value}" I also tried f"--override subnet_ids=[{my_value}]" And f"--override subnet_ids=['{my_value}']" None of them seem to work! 😞 That's why I went with the hacky replacement directly in the yaml before applying the deployment file.
I also tried [my_value] as a list into the interpolated string, didn't work either!
It seems like the values you provide for override need to be a string: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/blob/main/src/prefect/cli/deployment.py#L657
Can you create an issue to support a list on Prefect GitHub? This will make it easier for us to track this isue
@Khuyen Tran Sure! I'll send you the link here when I did!
Thank you for the issue!