Hi , can someone tell me how to pass Service Accou...
# prefect-community
Hi , can someone tell me how to pass Service Account Info in the prefect_gcp block. I wanted to pass the values from the secrets block but prefect 2 doesn't seem to support json in secret block. What is the best way to get GCP BigQuery client from a dictionary. i.e a way to pass a dictionary from any of the blocks so that I can pass the Service Account Info as a parameter to the to obtain the big query client.
gcp 1
Hey @Sunjay, are you using the GcpCredentials block? https://prefecthq.github.io/prefect-gcp/bigquery/
@Kalise Richmond Yes, I am using the GCP credential block and its working now. Thanks. What is the equivalent for defining upstream tasks in prefect 2 ? is it wait_for ?
Yes, you can use
for async calls or if you pass the task output into another task, it is automatically assigned as having upstream and downstream dependencies.