Dear Prefect Community, When we use the Prefect 2....
# prefect-community
Dear Prefect Community, When we use the Prefect 2.0 UI with latest b6 version, the refresh button is not returning any data for any link/endpoint, we have to click the buttons within the browser, we can't use any specific end points to filter it via URL. For example, works, but can't be used with "refresh" button or any other link with different end point other than Is it a known defect?
sorry, I didn't understand - can you explain what you're trying to do?
ignoring the thing that is not working for you for a moment, could you explain what are you trying to accomplish with this?
When someone deploy/schedule a flow from our web application via APIs, we would like to show only that flow using Prefect UI by filtering (basically the endpoint will have the filter like flow=<flow id>). It was working fine till 2.0b5.
BTW I like the new UI, it is really neat.
when I say "we would like to show", we have a monitoring button which will bring Prefect 2.0 UI with appropriate filter in the end point.
Also, we would like to show the flows based on the tag to specific users automatically when they click the monitor button in our web application, instead of showing all.
you can apply filters directly in the Prefect UI, right?
are you building Prefect on top of Prefect?
why? 😄
yes, we can directly filter in the Prefect UI.
is there some lacking functionality that you need and we don't have?
We have 8 or 9 teams and each one creates their own workflows and there should be a wall to show only their flows, not other teams flows. We have a single sign-on and based on their credentials we allow the users to create flows using specific tag and work-queue. Also, for them to monitor we show only their flows.
the endpoint will have the filter like flow=<flow id>). It was working fine till 2.0b5.
for transparency: some API endpoints changed in 2.0b6 and to be fully transparent, those API endpoints may still keep changing as we still are in beta stage - just to be transparent and honest
As long as it works in the coming release, I am good.
We have 8 or 9 teams and each one creates their own workflows and there should be a wall to show only their flows, not other teams flows.
this is what workspaces, RBAC and profiles are for - I think you would benefit from talking to about your use case to avoid negative engineering on your end replicating features we already have in Cloud 2.0
SSO is also part of Cloud 2.0 - you shouldn't have to implement it yourself
Understood. Our company at present doesn't recommend us to use Cloud for some data security reasons even though we don't keep the flow info and log info in Prefect Cloud 2.0.
As long as it works in the coming release, I am good.
again, to be fully transparent, the API routes are subject to change during the beta stage, so it's possible that this filter route won't come back - you can open a GitHub issue with v2 label to explain it in more depth and get answer from Orion engineers, but I believe in general you don't need to build this because Cloud 2.0 satisfies all the criteria you mentioned: team management, SSO, RBAC, workspaces
use Cloud for some data security reasons
we are SOC-2 compliant, strict about security, hybrid model and this shouldn't be a concern to not use Cloud if you have really extremely stringest requirements, we may give you even the option to host the entire orchestration layer on your private infrastructure - definitely something you can discuss with
Understood. We currently use Airflow and being maintained within our ecosystem. The leadership team would like to follow the same standard in this new architecture where I use Prefect 2.0.
sure - we have many customers migrating from Airflow, you're not alone 🙌
Also, even though Prefect Cloud 2.0 doesn't involve any cost now, we don't know the future plan. Can you please elaborate more on that?
have you seen this announcement? we have a collaborator feature in the free Cloud 2.0 version allowing you already to some extent implement the use case you want where collaborators have restricted permissions
I need to jump to meetings now - all your questions can be much better answered by our enterprise experts when you contact Sales team, I know very little about SSO, RBAC etc
Thanks, Anna. Is there any limitation between my local Prefect UI features vs Cloud UI now and in the future? Is it similar to beta users restriction ?
I'm not the right person to answer that, I asked a colleague from the Sales team to reach out to you
Thanks, Anna.