Does Pandas have a bulk update(not insert) functio...
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Does Pandas have a bulk update(not insert) functionality with sqlalchemy?
I don’t know a lot on this, but update sounds hard (and slow). We’ll see what others have to say. I’ve only dealt with inserts
Why do you think that? Here's an example for sqlalchemy but it has ridiculous hang(that never seems to end) session = Session() session.bulk_update_mappings(ConversionRate, merged_table_dict) session.commit() session.close()
I was personally in a similar situation and we tried a bulk upsert (pure SQL) and it was taking forever. I forget exact numbers but it felt like the insert was 30 minutes and the upsert was 20 hours. So similar to your ridiculous hang.
But I dont know much here so dont take my word for it
Not sure about pandas, but I’ve generally had good luck using CSV import for bulk performance. You can CSV load into a temp table and then do UPDATE FROM on the temp table to the new table. Something like this: (ignore all the GUI stuff but the queries are the same)
^ This sounds like the solution we ended up with at my last job where the temp table insertion was a bulk insert and this was way more performant
@Kyle McChesney I've used that method before, and would be an option, but it's not very seamless. I use pandas rd_sql, then manipulation, create temp table(to_sql) with it, then update to regular table with the data from the temp table.
yeah it is quite a painful process to walk through
Curious, how computationally expensive is it to merge values and pandas.to_sql('replace') vs bulk update vs iterated update? @Kyle McChesney @Kevin Kho