Hi all, I'm working on a project using document pr...
# prefect-server
Hi all, I'm working on a project using document processing pipelines for a US government client. We need to deploy to Redhat servers, which (probably) means using podman instead of docker. My initial attempts to install Prefect with podman didn't work. Is there a good guide on Centos/Redhat Os?
Hi @Ari Hershowitz, so great to have you with us in the community! I wonder whether Server is the right option for your use case since it, unfortunately, requires Docker. We support Server deployment via docker-compose or via a helm chart for Kubernetes deployments. However, Prefect Cloud can be used with any on-prem environment (provided you allow outbound network communication with the Cloud API) as we host the orchestration API for you and you only have to take care of deploying the execution layer. You can read more about that here.
Hi Anna, unfortunately, that's not an option for us, for security (and general government project) reasons.
I don't want to clog this channel with the technical details, but could discuss with you or your colleagues (I've already put in an email to sales, as suggested)
Thanks for explaining your use case. Given the technical challenge in implementing Server without Docker, you may need additional support and this is something you can discuss with our Sales team. We have a Professional Services team that could provide more hands-on guidance for setting up the required infrastructure.
Also, fwiw, our v2 server runs without containers so that’d be a lot easier to deploy.
upvote 2
It’s still in beta though.
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Thank you, Michael and Anna. I've heard from sales, and will start there. I'll also look into the professional services, if we need it. Especially if it involves deploying the v2 server as Michael suggests
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