is there a best practice regarding which image to ...
# prefect-server
is there a best practice regarding which image to use if you are pinning a version for prefect server via helm…I see
and then various versions with either python 3.8 or 3.9.
No but just keep everything consistent you know? Like server 1.0 but hasura 2.1 won’t work or something like that
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The Helm chart releases pin the versions
Syncing versions between the repos is a bit tricky, but the chart releases should pin to compatible versions automatically
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hrmm I am not the best bash reader…shouldn’t I pin a version in the values for the prefectVersionTag or serverVersionTag? That way I know I’ll get the same version every time I re-deploy or resync, if needed?
I basically just want to make sure there’s not a surprise update that causes issues
Well I'd recommend using the published chart which sets those values for you instead of the chart source
You can also look at those values in one of the published charts as a guide if you'd prefer to install the chart from source. In that case, you'd absolutely want to override the default.
Ok got it - where can I view the published charts/values? that is not how we initially deployed (We copied from github and filled in our values) but it may make things easier so I’d like to take a look.
Interestingly I just peeked at the latest version’s values and they do not appear to be pinned correctly 😢
Copy code
# prefectVersionTag configures the default tag for Prefect Core based
# services, including the agent and default tenant creation job.
# This value is automatically pinned on chart release to the latest
# core version.
prefectVersionTag: "1.0rc0"

# uiVersionTag configures the default tag for the Prefect UI service.
# It is defined here for easy update using `sed` for automation.
# This value is automatically pinned on chart release to the latest
# ui version.
uiVersionTag: "2022-01-14"
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