is there a way to hide parameters? Let's say a flo...
# prefect-server
is there a way to hide parameters? Let's say a flow requires a secret to work, and that secret is given as a param. Can I hide that from the logs and UI?
Don't pass secrets as parameters 😄 There are several mechanisms for storing secrets: • using Prefect secrets • using external secrets manager • leveraging environment variables All of the above are better than using Secrets in parameters. And to answer your question directly: there is no way of hiding that because there is no need for it - parameter values are just default configuration that can be optionally overridden at runtime. Here is a deep dive
the secrets are dynamic and changes based on the flow run 🤔
if you have some sensitive value but not a secret, perhaps the KV Store is an option worth considering?
are you dynamically changing say DB password? I can't think of a single use case when secrets would change dynamically with each flow run - can you explain your use case more? especially then you should consider a secrets manager to update such frequently rotating secrets
are you dynamically changing say DB password
lets say I did this. how would I hide the password from the logs?
for log specifically, you could add a log filter - here is an example I got from Kevin:
Copy code
from prefect import task, Flow, Parameter
import time
import logging
import prefect

# Creating a filter
class SecureFilter(logging.Filter):
    def filter(self, rec):
        if 'secs' in rec.msg:
            return 0
        return 1

def abc(x):
    return x

def get_logger():
    logger = logging.getLogger("prefect.TaskRunner")
    return logger

with Flow("timer flow") as flow:
    logger = get_logger()
    secs= Parameter("secs", 1)[secs]*5)
but again, I don't think that this is the right approach (just to be transparent)
ah, nice! Then it would be hidden from the UI as well?
log filters filter out logs so that those are not collected and not sent to Prefect Cloud backend
You can dynamically change the Secret name you are passing right?
Copy code
def get_secret_name(env):
    return env+"password"

with Flow(...) as flow:
    env = Parameter("env", default="staging")
    secret_name = get_secret_name(env)
    pw = PrefectSecret()(secret_name)
You just need to pass the secret name to the run method instead of the init