Quick question regarding the Github Action that ru...
# prefect-contributors
Quick question regarding the Github Action that runs when pushing a change to a Prefect collection repo: the CodeQL step takes ~30 minutes to run each time. Is this expected?
@alex or @Andrew Huang will know it I would say no - it shouldn't take that long, something must be wrong
Maybe some dependency takes too long to install? or some approval step? can you see the logs from the CI pipeline to assess that?
mmmh….I see some logs from the CI pipeline, but I can’t see how much time each substep took in the CodeQL step
👍 1
It’s expected that CodeQL takes that long to run. It is setup to run on a push to master so that it doesn’t bottleneck PRs. Any findings from a CodeQL scan will appear in the Security tab on GitHub.
Thank you @alex 🙌
It scans dependencies so it can run really slow when you include AWS/GCP Python modules.
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