the machine I was using to host the prefect server...
# prefect-community
the machine I was using to host the prefect server failed over the weekend. When i restarted the machine and tried running
prefect server start --expose --use-volume
its not using the existing data/configurations i set up and in the logs im seeing the following messages:
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hasura_1    | {"type":"startup","timestamp":"2022-03-21T19:50:54.856+0000","level":"error","detail":{"kind":"catalog_migrate","info":{"path":"$","error":"Cannot use database pr
eviously used with a newer version of graphql-engine (expected a catalog version <=40, but the current version is 47).","code":"not-supported"}}}
hasura_1    | {"path":"$","error":"Cannot use database previously used with a newer version of graphql-engine (expected a catalog version <=40, but the current version is 47)."
how do I go about debugging this?
Hey @joshua mclellan, this looks like the database migrations may not have run. Could you try running them like this ?
This seems to be what you are running into. What was your Prefect version?
upvote 1
I am not sure the migration will fix this
Your data is definitely not lost if you used a volume. By default, it's stored in
. The issue is now: • to find out why you see this error - did you upgrade your Prefect Core version? Did you manually change something else in your configuration? • stop the server (
prefect server stop
), then start again with the same command you were using before while making sure you're attaching the same volume (good to manually take a backup just in case) • if you see errors and your Server isn't working, run the DB migration manually and restart your Apollo container let us know if those steps didn't help