Hey, i'm currently trying to do a simple ETL flow ...
# prefect-community
Hey, i'm currently trying to do a simple ETL flow that connects to an API and fetch some records (i'm quite new to Prefect). I have to provide an API key to connect to this API as a query parameter. Is there some good practice regarding manipulation of this key ? Can i write it to another file that the flow will read ? i'm testing this locally but this will go in production env in the future (i hope)
Prefect Secrets are definitely what you're looking for. Don't hesitate to ask if you have more questions regarding this.
upvote 1
Oh thanks haven't seen that one sorry
No worries 🙂 I know the doc can be overwhelming at first. Pointing relevant parts of the documentation to newcomers is part of this Slack server's purpose.
💯 2