What's the best way to set up a cronjob in a local...
# prefect-community
What's the best way to set up a cronjob in a local machine with prefect code within a virtual environment. Currently did
pipenv shell prefect  agent local start
inside a sh script which I hands over to crontab like this
07 18 * * 1-5 bash startagent.sh
this works for sometime but suddenly stop saying it can't find or recognize those commands
Hey @Hedgar, what is the goal here, run the agent with cron?
Yes, you may want to know that this is necessary because lambda start and stops the ec2 instance therefore upon starting the instance I want to
prefect agent local start
Could you give me an example of an error?
/bin/sh: permission denied
Under the cronjob code is
07 18 * * 1-5 bash /home/ec2-user/startagent.sh