Hello everyone, in prefect cloud is there any way ...
# prefect-community
Hello everyone, in prefect cloud is there any way to turn off the Lazarus retry? Thank you.
Yes. Go to the Flow Settings and then you should see Lazarus on the Flow and you can turn it off. Has it been disruptive for you?
A little bit, just unexpected. Is there a way to do this through the command line, or globally for all flows?
Not really, you’d need to loop through the Flows. But you can do it through the GraphQL API so maybe you can have a loop that goes through it.
If heartbeats are turned off does that also prevent Lazarus in practice, or do other things besides missing heartbeats trigger it?
If heartbeats are turned off, it does but then your Flow will forever be in a running state even if a pod dies because we have no way to track