What does it mean when there are “Late submittable...
# prefect-community
What does it mean when there are “Late submittable runs”? Our agent was successfully registered and labelled with the right labels but the flows are not running.
Hey @Jake , that sounds weird. Is the agent healthy? Does it affect only one agent? And how many late runs do you have in your tenant?
The agent has no signs of poor health;
Copy code
[2022-03-23 15:42:41,842] INFO - agent | Registering agent...
[2022-03-23 15:42:42,066] INFO - agent | Registration successful!

 ____            __           _        _                    _
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| |_) | '__/ _ \ |_ / _ \/ __| __|   / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ '_ \| __|
|  __/| | |  __/  _|  __/ (__| |_   / ___ \ (_| |  __/ | | | |_
|_|   |_|  \___|_|  \___|\___|\__| /_/   \_\__, |\___|_| |_|\__|

[2022-03-23 15:42:42,211] INFO - agent | Starting LocalAgent with labels ['cf', 'ip-172-xxxxxx', 'temp']
[2022-03-23 15:42:42,211] INFO - agent | Agent documentation can be found at <https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/>
[2022-03-23 15:42:42,212] INFO - agent | Waiting for flow runs...
↑ it’s been stuck like this
It’s a local agent
And it seems to be happening to at least 2 of our agents
Can you click on the Agent tab in the UI and share me a screen shot?
How many late flows do you have across the tenant? The scheduler can freeze at 725
it says over 1000 😅
What should we do to unfreeze it?
Clear them to below 700. There is a cancel all button
👀 1