Hello! We're running into the same `no heartbeat d...
# prefect-community
Hello! We're running into the same
no heartbeat detected
error that I've seen a few other folks flag. I read through the discourse documentation and the FAQ. I don't think it's a memory issue because a much larger Flow is running from the same agent + Google Cloud VM without any issues. I can't seem to use the proposed solutions to configure heartbeats to use threads because I'm realizing that my Flows do not use:
*from* prefect.run_configs
So, I'm not using Universal Run or ECSRun. I'm guessing the setup of my flow might pre-date that library. Is that possible? Should I import that library if my Flows have been running fine without it? I should mention that this heartbeat issue only started to crop up a few days ago.
If you don’t use a RunConfig, you can still add one:
Copy code
flow.run_config = LocalRun(env=...)
so that you can add the env variable for threaded heartbeats
and that won't override any of my other settings?
No it won’t. It gets merged
🙏 1
lovely. I'll give that a try
@Kevin Kho that didn't seem to resolve the issue. When I took a closer look, I realized that what may be behind this is that when this flow runs, it kicks off twice at the exact same moment, and I'm not sure why. Essentially, this flow kicks off every time we update the git repo for this code. Why might it be kicking off twice at once?
Does your CI/CD run it? How are you running it?
I'm running it in a Google Cloud VM
I mean like, is it on a schedule or you hitting Quick Run or hitting the API?
Oh on a schedule!
but, the schedule is not a set time, like my other flows
It only starts when I update the repo.
Ah ok so it’s not a Prefect schedule? or do you still have one? Like do you have scheduled runs in the dashboard?
No, unlike my other jobs that are at set times and show "scheduled" runs in the future. When I look in the dashboard for this job, I do not see any scheduled future runs.
I’m not sure then I’d be able to help figure why there are two triggers because it seems like the CI/CD pipeline is the one firing the runs?
I think a good test is to disable where you know it exists and then see if it still fires?