If I have a flow like : ```with Flow("flow", run_c...
# prefect-community
If I have a flow like :
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with Flow("flow", run_config=RUN_CONFIG, storage=STORAGE) as flow:
  json_data = get_json_data(
    url, query, headers,
    task_args={"name": "Getting Flow Data"}
How can I then access json_data as a python object, rather than a FunctionTask object?
You have to pass it in a task and access it inside a task
Could you clarify further? Let’s say the output of get_json_data() is a dataframe and I wanted to do: 1. get the first row of the df as a variable a.
first_row = json_data[0,]
2. pass dataframe into the next task a.
processed_df = process_dataframe(json_data, task_args={"name": "Processing df"})
Yeah so number 1 needs to happen inside a task because
is of type Task until execution time of the flow. The
syntax accesses the Task because it runs during build time, not run time. So you need to put this logic inside a Task so that it will defer to run time instead of build time. Does that make sense?
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The second one should work though right?
Ah I see! I shall test it out, thanks for the quick support
Yep it now works, thank you for your help and explanation
I do have a follow up question actually, I tried to display json_data in the logs by doing
However, I don’t actually see anything get printed in the logs. Could you tell me why that’s happening?
Do I need to make a task that does logging and use that task to print the output instead?
Yeah exactly. Logs in the flow block are executed during build time, not run time
🙌 1