Hi all, was trying to rename my Team but unable to...
# prefect-community
Hi all, was trying to rename my Team but unable to so deleted it, but now not able to add a new one? Is this a bug, will this be a big issue?
I think if you delete your only tenant, you get locked out. Not a big issue, we’ll need to fix it for you
Are you locked out of anything?
yes now I am
I will leave a message for the people who can add you manually. Can you DM me your log-in info?
@Kevin Kho no updates on my side, can someone look at this urgently?
Kevin asked our Cloud team so we need to wait. Sorry for inconvenience. Maybe next time ask us before deleting something as important as tenant 😄 for now no worries, your data is not lost and your scheduled flows can still run. But it will likely take 4-5 hours today till someone can look at your issue and give you your access back
sure thank @Anna Geller