Question about logging best practices. In the docs...
# prefect-community
Question about logging best practices. In the docs (see below), a logger is defined within a task with
. Does a logger have to be defined within each task? This gets a bit repetitive if I have 5-10 tasks within a flow. Is there a more concise way to define loggers across tasks?
Copy code
import prefect

def my_task():
    logger = prefect.context.get("logger")

    <|>("An info message.")
    logger.warning("A warning message.")
Yes unless you use Script Based Storage (Git, S3, etc.) where the Flow code is executed during runtime. I think you can have the logger outside.
For pickle based storage yes you need it
oh lol i answered my own question as you answered
within a script, i moved
logger = prefect.context.get("logger")
to the top to make it global. it just worked across all the tasks
Btw you can also use
Copy code
def some_task():
and I think it should work
got it, thanks!