still wrapping my head around some concepts here, ...
# prefect-community
still wrapping my head around some concepts here, so bear with me. I've got a a working prototype up and running which uses a flask webapp to dispatch flows to prefect cloud. Currently, I'm seeding the data (ie the tasks and flows to run) with a "bootstrap" script that needs to run before the webapp is launched, but I'd like it really to be a "batteries included" experience. How are people generally solving this? I could have a "setup" page in my flask app, but I don't want to get super involved for now
So your flask webapp can trigger already registered flows if you do:
Copy code
or you can even use the GraphQL API with native requests As long as you register already, then you don’t need to send flow and task code. Does that make sense?
yep, that's basically what I'm doing now. The only thing I'm struggling with is getting the flow id in order to trigger it
Ahh I see. So you can invoke a task by calling
. For example:
Copy code
def abc():
    return 1
This calls the Python under the hood. So I suggest you use the
built-in task because the inputs are project name and flow name and it finds the id for you to trigger
Docs here. So I suggest…,flow_name=…)
oh man, can't believe I missed that! I've been hardcoding the uuid, I'll read the docs better next time. thank you!
Oh no worries! This one is not straightforward. You can read the source code of that task too if you want.