We've run into another issue that I was wondering ...
# prefect-community
We've run into another issue that I was wondering if anyone could help clarify. I am running a dask cluster on an on-premise kubernetes cluster and I have the kubernetes agent running in the same namespace. The agent is connected to prefect cloud and the jobs are running on the dask cluster successfully. However, the agent never reports any runs. Is there something else that is needed in order to connect the agent with flows executed on a dask cluster?
How are these flows runs? Were they created with a schedule?
I am executing the following:
Copy code
from prefect import task, Flow
from prefect.executors import DaskExecutor 
from prefect.run_configs import KubernetesRun

def get_value():
    return "Example!"

def output_value(value):

with Flow("Test") as flow:
    value = get_value()

flow.run_config = KubernetesRun(labels=None)
flow.executor = DaskExecutor("IP_ADDRESS:8786")
does not respect the
and is just meant for testing. For agent-backed runs, you need to register the Flow with Prefect Cloud/Server and then run it from the UI or schedule or by hitting the API of the backend. Those will get picked up and deployed by the agent
ah ok thanks for the information.