Hi! One of my flows uses GQL to pull logs from ano...
# prefect-community
Hi! One of my flows uses GQL to pull logs from another flow. The log pulling flow is directly triggered by the flow that produces the log to be pulled. I continue to get this error for the log pulling flow:
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{'errors': [{'path': ['flow_run'], 'message': 'Operation timed out', 'extensions': {'code': 'API_ERROR'}}], 'data': None}
When re-running a flow at a later time, it runs successfully. Are there any docs that can provide info on API limits?
Before we dive into any technicalities related to GraphQL, I just want to make sure you know that there is a direct way of pulling child flow run logs from a parent flow after you triggered it using:
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here is a full example:
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from prefect import Flow
from prefect.tasks.prefect import create_flow_run, wait_for_flow_run

with Flow("parent_flow") as flow:
    child_flow_run_id = create_flow_run(
        flow_name="child_flow_name", run_name="custom_run_name"
    child_flowrunview = wait_for_flow_run(
        child_flow_run_id, raise_final_state=True, stream_logs=True
the way it works is that it uses
that has a method called `get_logs`:
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from prefect.backend.flow_run import FlowRunView

fr_view = FlowRunView(flow_run_id="uuid")
Ah I actually did not know that! I have a couple questions on this: 1. What form would the logs be in if I pull it with the method you mentioned above? My current flow depends on the flow being a JSON (which I then convert to a dataframe) 2. When I use flow_name to trigger a flow, is that the same thing as using version_group_id? In other words, does it run the latest version of the flow with that name?
the easiest way is to try it out 🙂 the format is:
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FlowRunLog(timestamp=DateTime(2022, 3, 15, 10, 3, 15, 776868, tzinfo=Timezone('+00:00')), level=20, message='Submitted for execution: Container ID: 52383f95621d6d2341a4f53cc95de5be63e6031218e6366074cc74adbdcc1859')
I gave you a wrong syntax, here is the right one if you want to try it:
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from prefect.backend.flow_run import FlowRunView

flow_run = FlowRunView.from_flow_run_id(
logs = flow_run.get_logs()
if you convert it to a dataframe, then this structured format could be perhaps even easier? because you have native Python objects from it, e.g.
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x = logs[0]
x.timestamp # gives you a nice DateTime object
how do you trigger your flow? normally when you do that using create_flow_run, it returns flow run ID that you can use here directly
I initially have a
parent flow set on a regular schedule, which runs first, then triggers the
child flow. I think I should change my perspective and have the
as a parent flow which has a wait_for_flow_run to wait for the
child flow to run first.
👍 1