Hi, Orion question, is there any upcoming plan in ...
# prefect-community
Hi, Orion question, is there any upcoming plan in the roadmap that allows modifying the parameters of a deployment from the UI before launching a Flow Run of it. Thanks!
discourse 1
That's definitely on the roadmap. To make sure you can track it, let me open an issue for it.
@Marvin open "Orion: allow changing parameter values when triggering a flow run from a deployment in the UI"
Good to know, thanks a lot!
Similar question for the CLI (api client). At the moment the cli doesnt accept parameters when running deployments. In addition is it possible to install the prefect client independently of the entire prefect package? Are there any API docs for PF2?
You can't do it thru the CLI, but you can override default params using the Python client or REST API using
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