Hi, when trying to install prefect orion in kubern...
# prefect-community
Hi, when trying to install prefect orion in kubernetes can I specify which namespace I want the service to be applied? Also, when I run the
prefect orion kubernetes-manifest | kubectl apply -f -
I got an error pulling the container because it didn't find docker.io/prefecthq/prefect:dev-python3.8. I've edited the deployment manifest to use docker.io/prefecthq/prefect:latest-python3.8 instead but I'm guessing that this is not the correct container either since I'm now getting the following error in the pod logs:
Usage: prefect [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Try 'prefect -h' for help.
Error: No such command 'orion'.
you absolutely can! You should be able to do that by adding the option
--namespace yournamespacename
this should be added to the
kubectl apply
I've done that but I get:
deployment.apps/orion created
service/orion created
the namespace from the provided object "default" does not match the namespace "d44242". You must pass '--namespace=default' to perform this operation.
the namespace from the provided object "default" does not match the namespace "d44242". You must pass '--namespace=default' to perform this operation.
Can you upgrade your Orion version? Currently, when you do
prefect orion kubernetes-manifest
, this should output a manifest with the image:
Copy code
image: prefecthq/prefect:2.0b2-python3.9
if not, you are using some old Prefect 2.0 version. We are moving fast here with new releases 😄
this image:
Copy code
is for Prefect 1.0 - this explains why you got this error "No such command 'orion' " because 1.0 doesn't have orion commands
Thanks for the quick reply. I’ve used the ‘bleeding edge’ version using pip install git+https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect@orion Is there a specific version that I should install instead? Regarding my first question, would those messages would also be fixed if using a newer version?
The recommended version is:
Copy code
pip install -U "prefect>=2.0b"
Using the new version ☝️ you will definitely not see a "dev" image version; instead, you'll see
also: you won't see
No such command 'orion'
- this was only because you used 1.0 image rather than 2.0
I was talking about this message. But I will do a try with the newer version and check if both issues are solved. Thanks a lot for your help!
deployment.apps/orion created
service/orion created
the namespace from the provided object "default" does not match the namespace "d44242". You must pass '--namespace=default' to perform this operation.
the namespace from the provided object "default" does not match the namespace "d44242". You must pass '--namespace=default' to perform this operation.
👍 1
@Anna Geller - I can see that the error is not showing with the most recent version of orion. Thanks! Now I'm getting the issue described in here: https://github.com/PrefectHQ/prefect/issues/5595
I tried to follow: "You can create a global work queue after deploying with
prefect work-queue create kubernetes
. You'll want to ensure you're connected to your kubernetes API though." Do you know how do I ensure that I'm connected to my kubernetes API?
you would need to follow this tutorial but as it's explained in the issue, this tutorial needs to be updated