Hello couple questions, 1. After deployment, if i ...
# prefect-community
Hello couple questions, 1. After deployment, if i make further changes to my file. How does this new change get incorporated in the cloud? do i need to do a
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prefect deployment create deployment_name
again for those new changes to take affect? 2) if above is true, then do i need to rerun the tasks again on the UI? 3) sometimes i inadverently press run twice and i have two running processes. Is there anyway to stop a process after it has been started? 4) when i delete the workspace, to start over, i notice when i type,
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ps aux | grep python | wc -l
the python processes are still running and i have to do a
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pkill python
to kill all the python processes. Is there any way that once a workspace is killed all the python processes are killed along with it?
1. Yes you need to redeploy for changes to take effect 2. Yes, the old flow runs that are already running will not pick up the changes because they are Python processes that have been deployed 3. We’re still looking into what form flow cancellation will take in Prefect 2. Prefect 1 has this though 4. I think this is related to 3 as to providing a mechanism to cancel, but I think this is also intentional so that your work does not die if Prefect. I think deleting the workspace sounds aggressive. Either way, Prefect 1 has a “Cancel All” button which goes through running flows and cancels them one by one. The cancellation may take a different form in Prefect 2.0 because it wasn’t always reliable. Treat it as being explored for now, but no concrete timetable
@Kevin Kho, thanks, more follow up questions, 1. prefect 1 isn't orion capable though if I'm not mistaken? for my use case (streaming raw data), i think i would need prefect 2 2. if i rerun the tasks again after redeployment, then what happens to the old tasks that were run? do they still continue to run? at what point do they stop after i click run? or does a new task runner get kicked off? because right now i go to the UI under deployments and click run. 3. if the old tasks continue to run, then i guess I'm back to the cancelling issue. if the old tasks get updated after i click run then awesome. 4. logs aren't descriptive enough to indicate any errors happening on the backend. i had to manually create a logging file and record it. is there an ability in the logs to see a view of a print statement? that way i know all is good. 5. apart from deleting the workspace, what other option is there to start from a clean slate to ensure my background python processes aren't still running? sorry for all these questions. as the tech stack continues to mature, i want to make sure i have all the facts in the event things stop running.
I guess i was thinking, in the event prefect stops running but my background python processes continue to run, then when prefect gets started, would it automatically associate itself to these processes?
1. Prefect 1 is not compatible with Orion 2. they will still run. this is because it’s more common for users to be upgrading and wanting everything to continue to run. so it’s a bit hard right now you can’t cancel, but this will likely not be automated. 3. we can’t update the old tasks because they are python processes that already started 4. will raise the feedback 5. honestly the most sure way is shutting down the compute to kill the python process
if the processes are still hitting the same endpoint, yes i believe they will be associated