A rundown of a variety of :prefect: content over t...
# prefect-community
A rundown of a variety of P content over the next 2 weeks! Look forward to seeing you there, and don't forget to join the #events channel to stay up-to-date. https://prefect-community.slack.com/archives/C036FRC4KMW/p1649100935959699
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marvin 3
Any live events coming up to discuss Prefect Cloud?
@John Ramey Laura's livestream next Wednesday will cover both Prefect 2.0 and Prefect Cloud 2.0, deploying flows first in dev (OSS) an then promoting them to prod (Cloud). These will all be available as recordings on Youtube. Were you looking for anything specific? We'd love to create content that you want to watch.
Basic ops stuff like communicating with AWS (S3, RDS, etc.) from Prefect Cloud with some examples. This is where I tend to struggle
👀 1
I'm sure we can help with that via Slack @John Ramey. Can you share your use case and what exactly do you struggle with, and describe it in a separate thread in the #prefect-community?
regarding basic data wrangling on AWS, incl. RDS and S3, I always use the awswrangler package, it's fantastic. It significantly simplifies doing data work on AWS
they have tutorials for almost any AWS data service here
Sure thing. Thanks for the info.
👍 1