Hi all, I've a question regarding running a Flow: ...
# prefect-community
Hi all, I've a question regarding running a Flow: I've set up Prefect-Server at Rancher, the workloads seem to be stable, UI can be reached, an Agent is registered - everything should be fine. Now I'd like to run a simple Flow on the Prefect-Cluster, using the Python script and using the Prefect Run command - unfortunately I get:
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└── 14:27:40 | INFO    | Entered state <Failed>: Failed to load and execute Flow's environment: ModuleNotFoundError("No module named '/home/prefect-flow-example'")
Flow run failed!
The file "prefect-flow-example.py" is available at my local host, I've set the proper ENV variables for the connection to the Prefect-Server. Do I need to define some Storage Options before? An Azure subscription would be available. I'm curious about what you would suggest as best practice 🙂 Thank you a lot in advance! Patrick
Yes you need to define storage, but I think this should work though. This is more commonly seen when you register on machine A and then try to run it on machine B. Either way though, a remote storage option like Azure, S3, Github, will help with this. You can read more here
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Alright, thank you a lot for the quick answer! :)
👍 1
Update: I've decided for a GitHub Storage - works well with following changes:
😀 1
Probably easiest solution: public repository....