How different is Orion from 11.0? We recently bega...
# prefect-community
How different is Orion from 11.0? We recently began researching Prefect as a solution, shortly before Orion came out. Is it necessary to also evaluate Orion (in addition to 11.0) to form the most comprehensive view of prefect? Or will Orion co-exist with existing 11.0 because they solve different problems and neither will replace the other? Thanks!
By 11.0 do you mean Prefect 1.0? Regarding whether you should use Prefect 1.0 or start directly with 2.0, check this Discourse topic Regarding the differences between both products, check: • this FAQ part • the best explanation for why Orion has been created, check this blog post by Jeremiah announcing Orion • and for more details on that, the Prefect 2.0 post but if you have any specific questions, happy to answer
will Orion co-exist with existing 11.0 because they solve different problems and neither will replace the other?
Prefect 1.0 and Prefect 2.0 are two different products with different backends, UIs, etc. They solve the same problem (of eliminating negative engineering) and provide you with orchestration features and even have many equivalent concepts (flows, tasks, retries, caching, scheduling, etc.). But you can't use both simultaneously. Does this answer your question?
So prefect 2.0 will replace 1.0 right?
Or will there be 3 officially supported products: 1. Orion 2. prefect 1.0 3. prefect 2.0
Correct, 2.0 will eventually replace 1.0, but we will still support 1.0 for at least a year after 2.0 comes out of beta.