Total rookie question here -- I'm attempting to in...
# prefect-community
Total rookie question here -- I'm attempting to install and play around with Prefect 2.0 in PyCharm, having some trouble verifying the install was successful. When I attempt to check the version in PyCharm's terminal I receive the following error messages. I receive similar error messages when attempting to run simple python scripts listed in the First Steps tutorial. I created a python project in PyCharm and installed Prefect 2.0b2 using their settings interface. Any idea where I went wrong? Ive attached screenshots of the error messages and my project's Prefect directory.
Looks like your
version is not compatible. What version are you on? Can you do
pip show asyncio
Oh it’s with the native Python. This is weird. Let me thing
Are you on Windows ?
This is the preferred issue
Hi Kevin, Thanks so much for taking the time to refer me to this issue -- looks like there's a workaround I can figure out for the time being!
👍 1
Of course!