Hey all, two quick questions 1. Is there a channel...
# prefect-community
Hey all, two quick questions 1. Is there a channel specifically for Orion questions? 2. Is there a way to specify a Dockerfile to use rather than an image for DockerFlowRunner? Context is basically I make heavy usage of things like
from mypackage.utils import frequently_used_task
where my flow is also inside of
. Running outside of a docker container with
installed means I hit an import error immediately.
#1 No, you can ask here. We want to reduce friction in asking questions. That's why we don't want users to worry about where to post their questions - this channel is great for any technical question you may have. #2 No, we don't have Docker storage functionality in Prefect 2.0 as of now. But packaging your custom code will be definitely much easier
👍 1
So for now, you need to build your image yourself. If you need help with that, feel free to ask. Here is an example Dockerfile you could start with:
Copy code
FROM prefecthq/prefect:2.0b2-python3.9
WORKDIR /opt/prefect
COPY your_module/ /opt/prefect/your_module/
COPY requirements.txt .
COPY setup.py .
RUN pip install .
But packaging your custom code will be definitely much easier
Any more information on this available yet? It's probably been one of the bigger pain points since it often requires building a docker image for better organizing code 😅 would be very interested if there are planned changes to this for Orion
We totally understand that! Thanks for the feedback and we'll keep you up-to-date with any updates on that in the release notes announced in the #announcements channel on Slack and here in Discourse: https://discourse.prefect.io/tag/release-notes