Hello everyone I am a beginner with Prefect, in or...
# prefect-community
Hello everyone I am a beginner with Prefect, in order to create a Data Pipeline, I want to connect it with a SQL DB that I have locally so I used the documentation: https://docs.prefect.io/api/latest /tasks/sql_server.html#sqlserverexecute My questions are: -In order to configure the connection between SQL and Prefect I use the classes and I put it all in a .py file and I do execution?? -If Yes, at the .py code level, do a pyodbc import? - If not, how can I do? -for the args data & **kwargs what should be put? -For the password of the user what should be added to indicate it pwd or other arg?
discourse 2
This discussion seems to solve a similar problem and includes a sample code you could use. LMK if you have any questions after reading this
I'm moving your code block to this thread just to keep the main channel cleaner:
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import prefect
from sqlserver import SqlServerExecute

class prefect.tasks.sql_server.sql_server.SqlServerExecute(db_name="OTI_Djoliba", user="sa", host="EQ-EQ6288793\SQLEXPRESS", port=1433, driver="ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server", query= None, data=None, commit=False, **kwargs)
if you just need to execute a simple query e.g. to insert some row, you could do:
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from prefect import Flow, Parameter, task
from prefect.tasks.sql_server import SqlServerExecute
from prefect.tasks.secrets import PrefectSecret

execute_query = SqlServerExecute(
    db_name="xxx", user="yyy", host="zzz", port=42, commit=True

def define_query_from_param(table_name: str):
    return f"""
    INSERT INTO {table_name} ("index","id","first_name","last_name","email","gender","city","country")
    (1000,1001,'Anna','Geller', '<mailto:anna@example.com|anna@example.com>','Female','Berlin','Germany');

with Flow("postgres_example") as flow:
    postgres_pwd = PrefectSecret("SQL_SERVER_DB_PASSWORD")
    table_name = Parameter("table_name", default="stage.customers")
    query = define_query_from_param(table_name)
    execute_query(password=postgres_pwd, query=query)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Hi @Anna Geller Thank you, first I want to use a simple query to make a select to test the connection, and then I'll go to do an ETL. So I'll see what you shared with me, thanks 🙂
👍 2
Hi @Anna Geller in case I have a "sa" user with a password in default="stage.customers" what should I put?
this user name and password are for the database - it's not the same as what you use to login to MSSQL Server Management Studio. This is something that you would usually get from your DBA 🙂
yes, that's exactly what I did but for the default="stage.customers" parameter, what should I put!
this was just an example, you can ignore it
👍 1
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from prefect import Flow, task
from prefect.tasks.sql_server import SqlServerExecute
from prefect.tasks.secrets import PrefectSecret

execute_query = SqlServerExecute(
    db_name="xxx", user="yyy", host="zzz", port=42, commit=True

def define_query():
    return """
    INSERT INTO xxx ("index","id","first_name","last_name","email","gender","city","country")
    (1000,1001,'Anna','Geller', '<mailto:anna@example.com|anna@example.com>','Female','Berlin','Germany');

with Flow("postgres_example") as flow:
    postgres_pwd = PrefectSecret("SQL_SERVER_DB_PASSWORD")
    query = define_query()
    execute_query(password=postgres_pwd, query=query)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Is it clearer now how this task works? 🙂
👍 1
Yes, Thank you
👍 1
Please who has an idea on the cause of this error, I tried to change the user and the server but always remains the same problem, is it related to a class of Prefect?
are you on Prefect Cloud? Did you set your Secret in the UI? if so, run this before running your flow:
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no I am not on Prefect Cloud
great, in that case setting the env variable as shown above and adding the Secret from the UI should fix the issue
Please who has an idea on the solution of this problem, i tried to use server= @,port instead of host=@ and port=1433, but i still have same problem: SqlServerExecute Error during execution of task: OperationalError('HYT00', '[HYT00] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Login timeout expired (0) (SQLDriverConnect)')
does it work just from Python code? I don't think this error is related to Prefect