I have an ECSRun for a hello world that appears to...
# prefect-community
I have an ECSRun for a hello world that appears to be hanging. I've successfully pushed the image to ECR via the Docker() storage, and the task shows up as scheduled in Prefect Cloud - which can also see the ECS Agent I added following the guide (https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/agents/ecs.html#running-ecs-agent-in-production). I'm a bit puzzled on how to proceed to debug why the agent isn't popping the task from the queue in the cloud.
Is it stuck in scheduled or submitted?
Scheduled, I believe. "Task Run Created"
Shows up as a late run, for example
It sounds like this might be a labelling issue
Ah, indeed. Changing the tag from dev to prod. So I can effectively use tags as well to guide workflows to appropriate ECS clusters?
This one goes to 'submitted' and I can see it as 'Running' on ECS so far.
Yes you can use the labels to point Flows to the appropriate agent