What's the best way to upload a large file using t...
# prefect-aws
What's the best way to upload a large file using the S3 block in prefect? It looks like the two options are S3.write_path which expects bytes and means loading the whole thing in memory and put_directory which looks like it uses write_path to do its work. I think maybe I can mmap the file to get adressable bytes object but maybe I am thinking about this all wrong?
Hi @pbutler Multipart upload is something we'd like to support in the
task soon (or write_path as you mentioned), but for now you could use the aws credentials block to generate a boto3 session -> client
Copy code
s3_client = aws_credentials.get_boto3_session().client("s3")
and then run the multipart upload like this
Here’s an issue to track this
Thanks for the advice! That should work
👍 1