Hello guys, I would like to know if in Prefect 2.0...
# prefect-community
Hello guys, I would like to know if in Prefect 2.0 it is possible to request the execution of a specific task and all its dependent upstream tasks. Thanks.
I know this is an intended use case behind 2.0, but I need to check if it can already be done
thank you @Kevin Kho . i’m working on a use case that requires to create a dynamic flow and the ability to run a specific task + all upstream tasks. would be great to use Prefect 2.0 on this one.
ok i chatted with some team members and it doesn’t work like this. it’s more like you can package things as a subflow and retry the subflow because the subflow is like a task, but you don’t retry the upstream tasks per se
if you have 1 flow with A->B->C and A and B succeed but C fails, you can’t restart A and B
Ok talked more and you can’t resubmit the subflow, it’s more like you’d kick off another subflow. So basically it’s similar to 1.0, my first answer was wrong
ok, got it. thanks!