Hello Everyone, We currently have a setup of Pref...
# prefect-community
Hello Everyone, We currently have a setup of Prefect Core Server running on our on-prem environment using Kubernetes. We are running our flows using a LocalDaskExecutor and we noticed that the logs for these flows do not show up on the portal. Only logs for flows that do not use a LocalDaskExecutor show logs. Is there a special configuration required for Dask to send the logs?
There might be an issue with sending logs from all workers when you use DaskExecutor. But LocalDaskExecutor doesn't use Dask so this shouldn't be a problem - can you share your example flow that fails to send logs to your Server backend?
Hi Anna, Thanks
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class RunMeFirst(Task):
    def run(self):
        print("I'm running first!")

class PlusOneTask(Task):
    def run(self, x):
        print(x + 1)
        return x + 1

flow = Flow('My Imperative Flow')
plus_one = PlusOneTask()
run_me = RunMeFirst()
plus_one.log_stdout = True
run_me.log_stdout = True

flow.storage = get_jigsaw_api_storage(1, f"Test Flow")
flow.run_config = get_jigsaw_k8_config_run()
flow.executor = LocalDaskExecutor(scheduler="processes", num_workers=2)
Note that when i remove the flow.executor line before the last line , the prints appear normally in the logs on the UI
Thanks for sharing your code. Could you try running a simple hello world flow using the functional API and task decorator? This way you can step by step test what is failing in your configuration
e.g. you may try:
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from prefect import task, Flow
from prefect.executors import LocalDaskExecutor

def generate_random_numbers():
    return list(range(1, 200))

def add_one(x):
    return x + 1

def print_results(res):

with Flow("mapping", executor=LocalDaskExecutor(), storage=get_jigsaw_api_storage(1, f"Test Flow")) as flow:
    numbers = generate_random_numbers()
    result = add_one.map(numbers)
The issue you have is that you build the storage before you attach the executor. Since the executor information is retrieved from storage at runtime, your executor information won't be found. Switching the order may already help solve your issue:
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flow.executor = LocalDaskExecutor(scheduler="processes", num_workers=2)
flow.run_config = get_jigsaw_k8_config_run()
flow.storage = get_jigsaw_api_storage(1, f"Test Flow")
Hi Anna, I tried to change the order as you suggested and I'm still getting the same 😞
will try to investigate more to understand what is happening
but do you understand the issue? the problem is that you are attaching the executor too late
Yes I think I got the problem, I'm trying to see how I can change the flow a little bit so I can capture the logs correctly
👍 1