I have a flow that I broke recently (bug in code)....
# prefect-community
I have a flow that I broke recently (bug in code). Now when I try to execute it in prefect cloud, There are 5 flows submitted, but nothing is happening to them. The agent we have is successfully picking up and running other flows. Do I need to clear the submitted flows? and how would I do so?
Hey Hugo, I don’t think there is a way to “clear” with submitted. If those really aren’t starting, maybe you can directly mark them as Cancelled or Failed in the Flow Run page?
I would recommend that over clicking the Cancel button
Hm, new runs on this flow are just getting stuck as "submitted"
Stuck in submitted normally means the compute resources couldn’t be obtained. Are the specs for this one higher than the ones that are working?
no - and also my agent isn't even picking it up?
it's a kubernetes agent
Is it scheduled or submitted? You really mean submitted?
Because if submitted I would expect an agent got it because that is the definition of submitted
If you click the agents tab, with the pane showing the different agents, do you see one of them (if you have multiple) picked up the flow?
actually I see it in the logs now
digging in
Thank you - I messed up a service account my flow depended on. Fixing the service account resolved the issue. Thanks @Kevin Kho!
Ah ok. Glad you got it sorted!