Hey any idea how to debug a failed flow on k8s (gk...
# prefect-community
Hey any idea how to debug a failed flow on k8s (gke) that just says;
Copy code
Pod prefect-job-18e30a61-5tnpd failed.
	Container 'flow' state: terminated
		Exit Code:: 1
		Reason: Error
In the logs...
The pod logs say;
Copy code
standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: exec format error
I believe this is something like your image was build in one architecture and then running in another architecture it’s not compatible with. Like if you made an image with an M1 Mac and then try to run it on Linux for example. Does that make sense to you?
Yep my M1 saga strikes again...I seriously hate this machine!!
What is your base image? The base prefect image helps with this
pure python
- dunno if I want to use the prefect image really - this may sway me though
That’s understandable but yeah I am kinda positive that’s the issue
Yeah makes complete sense!
First time I have built an image on it that I have run on k8s sooo
So I fixed with
--platform linux/amd64
flag on my build - how does a base image deal with that?
Just by pulling a particular tag? That was built using the right platform?
Thanks for the spot!!!
did you have to use that
docker buildx
for that? or is that just with
docker build
docker build
instructions I found suggested I needed to turn on an experimental feature for
but wasn't an option so just tried the flag in vanilla
and worked
must no longer be experimental
Ah I see. And to your question how the base image deals with it, I don’t know lol but the prefect image is cross compatible.
👍 1