How do I get `CronSchedule("0 11 * * *")` to fire ...
# prefect-community
How do I get
CronSchedule("0 11 * * *")
to fire at 11 and not 12?
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By default, CRON Schedule is in UTC.
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from prefect.schedules import CronSchedule

sched = CronSchedule(cron="0 11 * * *")
Here is how you can attach your timezone:
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from prefect.schedules import CronSchedule
import pendulum

sched = CronSchedule(
    cron="0 11 * * *",
    start_date=pendulum.datetime(2022, 4, 25, 0, 0, tz="Europe/London"),
Printing the next schedules
can help make sure your schedule is configured correctly
Ahhh OK so it infers the TZ from the start date!! Thanks! Could it be an arg to the
Exactly! And you're spot on that it could! The syntax in Prefect 2.0 is exactly that:
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schedule=CronSchedule(cron="0 11 * * *", timezone="Europe/Berlin"),
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@Anna Geller on the 2.0 point - how painful is it going to be for me to move to 2.0 given I have built everything out for 1.0 - is there gonna be a nice smooth transition that isn't gonna require huge infra changes?
Or am I gonna end up in a world where I am stuck with 1.0 cos the migration is painful and then all support for 1.0 ends?
The model of k8s and jobs per flow is really not something I want to have to change for example
We'll do our best to support you with migration. There is already a special tag on Discourse called migration-guide, and if you are an existing customer, our CS team provides support, too ( And of course, there will be a Migration Guide docs section with more details.
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About Kubernetes - there is
which is equivalent to
run configuration.
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Does the idea of an Agent disappear? How is that link between prefect cloud infra and private infra maintained in 2.0?
Agents are still there but they are not tied to a specific infrastructure - e.g. there is no need for a Kubernetes agent. The same agent can deploy flow runs as Docker containers or Kubernetes jobs, depending on your flow runner configuration. Check this Discourse topic for more info
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was it typed by accident @Olivér Atanaszov? 😄
yes, removed now 🙂
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Is there a way to set Cron Time zone at an agent level like US/Eastern via maybe an environment variable so that I do not have to specify it for every Cron schdule? I guess alternatively, I could wrap CronSchedule using functools to provide additional args to make it EST.
in Prefect 2.0 you can even wrap it in some custom function and supply it to your