Hi, to use Gitlab storage, do I have to provide my...
# prefect-community
Hi, to use Gitlab storage, do I have to provide my personal access token, or can I use a repository specific deploy token? As far as I can see, a personal access token gives read/write access to all of my repositories. Perhaps a project-level access token would work, but I see the docs refer to a personal access token: https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/flow_config/storage.html#gitlab
Not sure here. Did you try already and get an error? I could see the project-level token working since it’s just a token. As long as you can make the Gitlab client can take it like this. But Git storage lets you provide the clone url including the token. I think this might work too? Your secret needs to be the full clone url.
Thanks. I haven’t tried the project level yet, but tried the repo-level deploy token and that didn’t work
Ah I see, so potentially I could switch to git instead of gitlab class and just build the url with the token in it?
Was on a plane to PyCon so couldn’t respond. Yes exactly, that gives the most freedom because now all you need to take there of is supplying that full clone URL
Just for future reference, I tried this but doesn’t seem to be working at the moment: https://prefect-community.slack.com/archives/CL09KU1K7/p1651826601281559
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