Hi, I am trying to configure a flow that will run ...
# prefect-community
Hi, I am trying to configure a flow that will run in a docker image and will be executed by a docker agent. The flow was configured successfully. I started a docker image from my machine and triggered a run via the ui in the prefect cloud. I got the following error message: ā€œ`run_config` of type
, only
is supported ā€ what does it mean?
Copy code
with Flow("iris_batch", storage=Local(path="/app/batch/flow.py",stored_as_script=True),
          ) as batch_prediction_flow:
What i am missing? Amy help will be appreciated:) Thank you!
looks like you started a local agent rather than a Docker agent? also, local results are meant for local execution on your local machine or VM, for Docker run you may use Prefect result or some object storage like S3
Thanks for your quick reply!
looks like you started a local agent rather than a Docker agent?
I started a local docker agent
also, local results are meant for local execution on your local machine or VM, for Docker run you may use Prefect result or some object storage like S3
Do you mean that i should avoid using
combined with
? Thanks again for your help!
Yup exactly!
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Hi:) I suspect the issue was that i had also local agent running and the error was because prefect attempted to use the local agent. Anyway, local storage works fine with docker Thanks:)
Nice work and thanks for reporting back!