hi community! i'm trying to deploy prefect server ...
# prefect-community
hi community! i'm trying to deploy prefect server on EC2 but can't get past "Couldn't connect to Prefect Server at <address>:4200/graphql", however i can access
in the browser - i've followed the troubleshooting guide, but no success
Hi! 👋 Are you just getting started? perhaps using Prefect 2.0 is easier? But if you want to use Prefect Server check those resources: • https://discourse.prefect.io/t/can-t-connect-to-a-prefect-server-from-other-machine-despite-port-4200-being-open/128 • https://docs.prefect.io/orchestration/server/deploy-local.html#deploying-to-a-single-node
thanks @Anna Geller! i did start my server with:
Copy code
prefect server start --expose
query works
Can you answer: Are you just getting started? perhaps using Prefect 2.0 is easier?
i've been using Prefect for a while now 🙂
i'll take a look at Prefect 2.0, thank you
Can you say more? At what stage are you right now? The reason why I'm not starting by just giving you direct troubleshooting advice for Server is that Prefect 2.0 is the version we will support long-term, and I'd prefer to avoid you wasting time setting up everything on Server now and in a couple of months migrating to 2.0
but I'm happy to help with the Server issue - it might be that you are missing this config
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endpoint = "<http://YOUR_MACHINES_PUBLIC_IP:4200/graphql>"

    apollo_url = "<http://YOUR_MACHINES_PUBLIC_IP:4200/graphql>"
more on that
hm, thank you but i already have those in my config 😕 i'll take a look a prefect 2.0 and see how to move over
one reason i didn't start using 2.0 is that it's unclear what changes i need to make to my codebase to get things running
is there any documentation about migrating to 2.0 from ~1.15?
Good decision!
one reason i didn't start using 2.0 is that it's unclear what changes i need to make to my codebase to get things running
If you need help with the migration, this Discourse tag might help. in the meantime, if you still need help with Server, I'd recommend: • checking ports • checking all versions and ensuring Hasura, Prefect etc versions are compatible • your config.toml points to your API • rebuild the images and start from scratch if this isn't working We will have migration guide released at some point, not released yet