Hi! We're starting to look into a transition to Pr...
# prefect-community
Hi! We're starting to look into a transition to Prefect 2 so I have a few likely basic questions, I'm trying to test out getting a very simple from running with s3 storage and ECS infrastructure. I've gotten to the point where the task successfully launches, but I'm running into a couple issues I'll detail in the comments.
First, I'm just running an agent locally on an EC2 instance while I'm trying things out. The flow successfully launched as an ECS task, and I verified that it was in a "Running" state on the correct cluster. However, the task seemed to hang and fail to complete, so I eventually stopped it. The agent logs look like the below.
Copy code
19:54:19.518 | INFO    | prefect.agent - Submitting flow run 'a756d8dc-35da-4e64-b4c5-5d04c8c5757f'
19:54:19.761 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'sensible-mackerel': Registering task definition...
19:54:20.190 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'sensible-mackerel': Creating task run...
19:54:20.943 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'sensible-mackerel': Waiting for task run to start...
19:54:20.962 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'sensible-mackerel': Status is PROVISIONING.
19:54:36.033 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'sensible-mackerel': Status is PENDING.
19:55:01.146 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'sensible-mackerel': Status is RUNNING.
19:55:06.152 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'sensible-mackerel': Running command 'python -m prefect.engine' in container 'prefect' (xxxxxx)...
19:55:06.152 | INFO    | prefect.agent - Completed submission of flow run 'a756d8dc-35da-4e64-b4c5-5d04c8c5757f'
19:55:06.158 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'sensible-mackerel': Streaming output from container 'prefect'...
20:09:41.075 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'sensible-mackerel': Status is DEPROVISIONING.
20:09:56.521 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'sensible-mackerel': Status is STOPPED.
20:09:56.691 | WARNING | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'sensible-mackerel': Container 'prefect' exited with non-zero exit code 143.
It seems like the task may not be getting past the
'python -m prefect.engine'
command? Any thoughts there?
Additionally, even though the agent says that the flow moved through states PENDING, RUNNING, DEPROVISIONING, and STOPPED, the UI still says that the flow is in a "Pending" state,
Exit Code 143 means that the container received a SIGTERM signal from the operating system, which asks the container to gracefully terminate, and the container succeeded in gracefully terminating (otherwise you will see Exit Code 137). Q1: are you running this on EC2 or Fargate? Q2: Do you want to try this recipe? it has a blog post and video demo in the readme as well
Enabling DEBUG level logs will likely be helpful too.
as an environment variable is a quick way to get there.
👍 2
Ah yes, the Exit Code 143 is because I manually killed the task since it seemed to be hanging (See the ~15 mins between the "streaming output" stmt and the "DEPROVISIONING" stmt after I cancelled) Q1: I'm launching the task on Fargate Q2: Yes I am using it! I'm trying to build up the pieces to make sure I understand how everything fits together
Re debug level, in the ECSTask definition or where the agent is running?
In the ECS task
👍 1
Ok, update with that env var, and added some additional networking configuration. from the agent:
Copy code
21:19:43.544 | INFO    | prefect.agent - Submitting flow run 'a43556de-f21f-458d-83f6-559e7b29e41d'
21:19:43.790 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'ancient-macaque': Registering task definition...
21:19:43.792 | DEBUG   | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - Task definition payload
- image: xxxx
    logDriver: awslogs
      awslogs-create-group: 'true'
      awslogs-group: prefect
      awslogs-region: us-east-2
      awslogs-stream-prefix: ancient-macaque
  name: prefect
cpu: '256'
executionRoleArn: arn:aws:iam::xxxx
family: prefect
memory: '512'
networkMode: awsvpc

21:19:44.212 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'ancient-macaque': Creating task run...
21:19:44.215 | DEBUG   | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - Task run payload
cluster: arn:aws:ecs:xxxxxx
launchType: FARGATE
    assignPublicIp: DISABLED
    - sg-xxxx
    - sg-xxxx
    - subnet-xxxx
    - subnet-xxxx
  - command:
    - python
    - -m
    - prefect.engine
    cpu: 256
      value: '1'
    - name: PREFECT_API_URL
      value: <https://api.prefect.cloud/api/accounts/xxxxx>
    - name: PREFECT_API_KEY
      value: xxxxx
    - name: PREFECT__FLOW_RUN_ID
      value: a43556def21f458d83f6559e7b29e41d
    memory: 512
    name: prefect
  cpu: '256'
  executionRoleArn: arn:aws:iam::xxxx
  memory: '512'
  taskRoleArn: arn:aws:iam::xxxx
- key: <http://prefect.io/flow-run-id|prefect.io/flow-run-id>
  value: a43556de-f21f-458d-83f6-559e7b29e41d
- key: <http://prefect.io/flow-run-name|prefect.io/flow-run-name>
  value: ancient-macaque
- key: <http://prefect.io/version|prefect.io/version>
  value: 2.6.4
taskDefinition: arn:aws:ecs:xxxxx

21:19:44.849 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'ancient-macaque': Waiting for task run to start...
21:19:44.870 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'ancient-macaque': Status is PROVISIONING.
21:19:48.550 | DEBUG   | prefect.agent - Checking for flow runs...
21:19:53.613 | DEBUG   | prefect.agent - Checking for flow runs...
21:19:54.923 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'ancient-macaque': Status is PENDING.
21:19:58.755 | DEBUG   | prefect.agent - Checking for flow runs...
21:20:03.863 | DEBUG   | prefect.agent - Checking for flow runs...
21:20:09.141 | DEBUG   | prefect.agent - Checking for flow runs...
21:20:14.279 | DEBUG   | prefect.agent - Checking for flow runs...
21:20:19.376 | DEBUG   | prefect.agent - Checking for flow runs...
21:20:24.469 | DEBUG   | prefect.agent - Checking for flow runs...
21:20:29.953 | DEBUG   | prefect.agent - Checking for flow runs...
21:20:30.098 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'ancient-macaque': Status is RUNNING.
21:20:35.060 | DEBUG   | prefect.agent - Checking for flow runs...
21:20:35.103 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'ancient-macaque': Running command 'python -m prefect.engine' in container 'prefect' xxxx)...
21:20:35.103 | INFO    | prefect.agent - Completed submission of flow run 'a43556de-f21f-458d-83f6-559e7b29e41d'
21:20:35.109 | INFO    | prefect.infrastructure.ecs-task - ECSTask 'ancient-macaque': Streaming output from container 'prefect'...
21:20:40.160 | DEBUG   | prefect.agent - Checking for flow runs...
21:20:33.692 | DEBUG   | prefect.client - Connecting to API at <https://api.prefect.cloud/api/accounts/xxxxxxx>
21:20:45.260 | DEBUG   | prefect.agent - Checking for flow runs...
21:20:50.354 | DEBUG   | prefect.agent - Checking for flow runs...
Then in the cloudwatch logs for the task, the only thing so far is
Copy code
21:20:33.692 | DEBUG | prefect.client - Connecting to API at <https://api.prefect.cloud/api/accounts/xxx>
Sounds like it can't connect. I'd investigate your network setup. You could test it by calling ECSTask(...).run(), with a ping command or something.
👍 1