Hello — we’re using Prefect Server 1.2.2, Docker s...
# prefect-community
Hello — we’re using Prefect Server 1.2.2, Docker storage (with
). I’m attempting to use the ExecuteNotebook task and I’m getting the following only with debug logs on the Docker agent:
Copy code
[2022-06-14 20:54:12+0000] INFO - prefect.CloudFlowRunner | Beginning Flow run for 'Test Docker Notebook Flow'
[2022-06-14 20:54:13+0000] INFO - prefect.CloudTaskRunner | Task 'notebook0': Starting task run...
Executing:   0%|          | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?cell/s]Operation not permitted (src/thread.cpp:309)
This is erroring out in the container when trying to access the notebook but not making it back to the Prefect API to change task state (the task run just hangs until it times out with a
No heartbeat detected from the remote task
error). Any ideas?
Have you tried threaded heartbeats yet?
Thanks for the reply Kevin! Yes, I’ve tried with threaded and totally disabled. Same error in the agent logs. Another thing I noted — even though I’m on Server, it’s using CloudFlowRunner? Is that normal behavior? I haven’t paid attention to that specifically.
CloudFlowRunner is just for runs with a backend as opposed to FlowRunner used for local runs. I think if it still fails with the heartbeat configuration, normally we find that there is like a memory issue. What does your notebook do?