Hello, I am curious if anyone ran into the same is...
# prefect-community
Hello, I am curious if anyone ran into the same issue I am facing with prefect server & prefect cloud. (when I use flow.run() directly in vs code it works fine), The issue happens when connecting to cosmos db, when using flow.register() then running the flow on the server or on the cloud. the task fails and I get the following error: "Unexpected error: TypeError("cannot pickle '_thread.RLock' object")" This is how I am connecting to cosmos db: URL = 'my cosmos db account uri' KEY = 'my cosmos db account primary key' client = CosmosClient(url=URL, credential=KEY) database = client.get_database_client('my database name') If anyone has any guidance as to how I can fix this, please let me know. I would highly appreciate it.
Thank you so much!