Hi, How can I execute a map inside a task? Somet...
# prefect-community
Hi, How can I execute a map inside a task? Something like this (code in thread):
I’m using Prefect 1
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from prefect import Flow, task

def task_1():

def task_2():

def task_3(x):

with Flow(name='a') as flow:

When running this code I’m receiving
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Could not infer an active Flow context while creating edge to <Task: task_3>.
This often means you called a task outside a `with Flow(...)` block. If you're trying to run this task outside of a Flow context, you need to call `task_3.run(...)`
you need to call mapping within your Flow, not within a task, so this line needs to move to Flow
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also, you really shouldn't have to do:
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instead, call task_2() in your Flow
also @William Jamir can you move the code into the thread?
@Anna Geller Sure, code moved to thread.
you need to call mapping within your Flow, not within a task, so this line needs to move to Flow
Ah okay, so sorry if I did not make my intention clear. I explicitly want to call a map from inside a task, in order (if possible) to make my task composable. So, is impossible/limitation to call a
inside a task? (like we do with task_2.run()).
instead, call task_2() in your Flow
Yeap, indeed, sorry if my intention was not clear. I only called
like this in order to show that I was trying to compose my tasks to be reusable. Taking advantage of this message, can I execute tasks like this (with run inside another task), or its not recommended? I mean, is there any drawback that I should be aware on calling tasks like this?
is impossible/limitation to call a
inside a task? (like we do with task_2.run())
It's not a limitation, it's an intentional design decision from Prefect engineers to trigger mapped tasks from a flow rather than from a task - what are you trying to do here? if you want to chain them so that mapped runs after it, you would use
keyword if the problem is to make some code reusable, you can build it as custom functions that you can package into a Python package/module and then call from within your tasks
can I execute tasks like this (with run inside another task), or its not recommended?
Great question - it's indeed not recommended to run tasks from other tasks. The drawback is lack of visibility - you don't see such a task in any of your workflow schematics, makes your code less composable since it's not clear what calls what, and makes it harder to maintain since there is a mix of responsibility - the task is no longer responsible for one thing. Prefect encourages small tasks since this makes things easier to build, troubleshoot and maintain