gm everyone! qq w.r.t. prefect vs <>… i...
# best-practices
gm everyone! qq w.r.t. prefect vs… i’m reading that temporal uses a ‘fault-oblivious’ model for running workflows - which I suppose means that it doesn’t really care how long tasks take and how many retries it takes to complete. I haven’t dug into temporal enough to know what this looks like in a real situation, but it sounds useful. Does prefect have anything like this? Are there any other guides comparing temporal and prefect? Thanks!
I can't say anything about temporal since it's an entirely different product, but could you say more about the problem you are trying to solve and your use case?
We’re looking to trigger workflows from one of 3 inputs… queue, api, and timer. the workflow would be semi-long running, maybe a few minutes, and makes a bunch of api and http calls, most would be async, and act on the responses. if one of those fails, we’d like to retry. Do we need to build in that retry logic?
Also - is there GoLang support for tasks?
It sounds like a great use case for Prefect if you'd like to write your logic in Python - we don't have support for GoLand and I wouldn't expect that anytime soon • we do support retries for tasks • in the future, we may add a retry/restart functionality for flows or subflows - not in the current scope but something we may consider after the General Availability of Prefect 2.0 • you can call Prefect flows from all the sources you listed since we support both scheduled runs and runs triggered via an API call - fully dynamic
Ok cool - thanks for the info!
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